Bormeg Plastik Geotextil Sargılı Drenaj Borusu

    Geotextile Coated Drainage Pipe, otherwise known as a Fabric Coated Drainage Pipe, thanks to the material of GEOTEXTILE coated on round drainage pipes, ensure protection of pipes from physical impacts, weather conditions and clogging. GEOTEXTILE is a material that is joined by knitting of pure plastic fibre without weaving and manufactured as an ideal filtre by heat treatment. 
Besides the extra resilience (against weather conditions and physical impact) and filtration ensured by Geotextile, the pipe has the same functions and advantages of a bare drainage pipe and it is used to collect the harmful water settled on the ground and under the ground by use of perforations and evacuate the water from the area. 
General Features:

  • Underground life is much longer than a bare drainage pipe (more than 70 years);
  • Practical transport and instalment; 
  • Resistant against harsh chemicals;
  • Used in sandy earth without the need of filtration materials; 
  • Easy to apply;
  • Not heavy and hence, easy and simple to transport, instal and stockpile; 
  • Durable;
  • Resistant against physical impact, chemical substances, sun rays and weather conditions; 
  • No risk of leakage;
  • High-density polyethylene in its composition assures strength; and 
  • No clogging.

Areas of Use:

  • Improvement works on muddy, slimy land; 
  • Protection of buildings and constructions with water on its foundation; 
  • Shoulder drainage on highways;
  • Removal of unwanted water from agricultural land; 
  • Evacuation of ground water from any construction site floor; 
  • Sports venues drainage; 
  • Railway drainage applications; and
  • Mines.



Outer Diameter (mm) Inner Diameter (mm) Coil Diameter  (mm) Metre-Perforation(cm²) Metre-Weight (cm²)
Ø100 Ø92.5 Ø700 25 0.39
Ø125 Ø115.5 Ø750 41 0.54
Ø160 Ø146 Ø1000 41 0.92
Ø200 Ø183 Ø1000 56 1.25